
December 28, 2019

Implementation of the IOM

Implementation of the IOM “The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing Health” In 2008 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) joined forces to develop a report to address the important issues facing nursing and healthcare in the future. “The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing […]
December 28, 2019

Biomedical Ethics In The Christian Narrative

Biomedical Ethics In The Christian Narrative Mike and Joanne are the parents of James and Samuel, identical twins born 8 years ago. James is currently suffering from acute glomerulonephritis, kidney failure. James was originally brought into the hospital for complications associated with a strep throat infection. The spread of the […]
December 28, 2019

Advanced Coding: E/M, Medicine, And Anesthesia

Advanced Coding: E/M, Medicine, And Anesthesia 1. Anesthesia administered to a normal, healthy patient undergoing an esophageal procedure is coded as A. 00500-P1. B. 00502-P1. C. 00500-P2. D. 00506-P1. 2. A new patient comes into the doctor’s office for her annual gynecological exam. During the course of the exam, she […]
December 28, 2019

Supportive versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Supportive versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy Amelia, a 16-year-old high school sophomore, presents with symptoms of weight loss and a very obvious concern for her weight. She has made several references to being “fat” and “pudgy” when, in fact, she is noticeably underweight. Her mother reports that she is quite regimented in […]
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