September 10, 2019

War and Conflict Memoirs

Compose a 2 page memoir entry that provides an in-depth personal account of the events you have witnessed leading up to the beginning of the war. In your description be sure to reflect on the effect that political, social, geographical, and economic changes have had on you in the time […]
September 10, 2019

Free Market and Ethical Issues

Question: Your research should be about social problems where the free markets are not allowed to function, which includes the market for a particular illegal good or service, a regulated market, etc. ● Select a social problem where free markets are not allowed to function, and conduct research on the […]
September 10, 2019

U.S. Immigrants and Immigration

Soci 330: U.S. Immigrants and Immigration Guide to Statistical Profile of an Immigrant Group • Short statistical overview of an immigrant group of your choice to the United States (3-4 pages, excluding tables) • Summarize and discuss the following information from immigration statistics: o Total number and percentage of the […]
September 12, 2019

TECHNICAL AND REPORT WRITING – Rhetorical Analysis on Nursing

TECHNICAL AND REPORT WRITING ENGL 3053 Essay Assignment 1: Rhetorical Analysis This assignment requires you to locate two to three pieces of professional writing in your field and analyze the rhetorical choices made by the writers. Your analysis will focus on the writers’ style, purposes, and conceptions of their audiences. […]