Zora Neal Hurston PLEASE READ: How it Feels to be Colored Me Sweat Dust Tracks on the Road & Their Eyes Were Watching God In How It Feels to Be Colored Me, Zora Neale Hurston writes, At certain times I have no race, I am me. Using this idea as […]
Select a task a program could perform over an array of items that would be useful. Your task must include the following: A useful array Populating the array Processing the items in the array Outputting the results of the processing (This may or may not include displaying […]
Order Description PROMPT Write a Personal Statement (approx. 12 pages) describing time spent at Stanford; address, where appropriate: -Plans upon entering Stanford; -Behaviors that were successful and unsuccessful; -Any factors/events that prevented you from completing minimum requirements; Changes made which will translate to academic/personal success upon your return; Resources at […]
Unit VII Mini Project Using the survey that you developed in Unit III, choose 10 people in your organization to respond to the survey. Before disseminating the surveys, please pre-code the data (refer to Chapter 19, pp. 470-471) or follow the example provided in the lecture. Perform the following: […]