
December 22, 2019

American Founders

American Founders Module/Week 1 provided an overview of biblical principles related to leadership, statesmanship, and government. In this module/week, you evaluate the lives, actions and decisions of key leaders in the American founding. In turn, this paper will require you to analyze those founders in light of the biblical principles […]
December 22, 2019


CHANGE AND THE FOSSIL RECORD You learned about the negative impact of economic growth and human utilization of resources that can lead to global climate change and extinction. In your Case Assignment, you reviewed many pieces of evidence and developed your own conclusions about the relationship between human activities and […]
December 22, 2019

Environmental Geology

Environmental Geology I would like you to think and reflect about geological processes. The purpose of this assignment to apply your knowledge of the course so far to your life or the lives of family or friends. What you are doing is writing about a geological event or process that […]
December 22, 2019

Population Demographics

Population Demographics Assignment: Select six to ten countries for analysis. Look up the following information for each country on and assemble it into a table. Your table should be easy to read and fit onto one page. If you cannot fit it onto one page, please make sure that […]