Z reflectionOrder Descriptionuse this test book Arens, Schaefer, Weigold. M. Advertising. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-07-802896-0.Based on your assigned readings from Arens text Chapter 10, class lectures, and related posted PowerPoints at Canvas, respond to the questions/statements below in your own words. Post you responses to Canvas Assignments not later than Monday, March 30 by 11:59 pm. Total 10 points.1) Why do you think spending on print newspaper advertising is declining so dramatically? Where is that ad money going?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising?3) Describe the major types of newspapers and how they charge for advertising.4) Why do you think media planners and buyers need to be aware of the many creative possibilities offered by magazines?Z reflectionOrder Descriptionuse this test book Arens, Schaefer, Weigold. M. Advertising. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-07-802896-0.Based on your assigned readings from Arens text Chapter 10, class lectures, and related posted PowerPoints at Canvas, respond to the questions/statements below in your own words. Post you responses to Canvas Assignments not later than Monday, March 30 by 11:59 pm. Total 10 points.1) Why do you think spending on print newspaper advertising is declining so dramatically? Where is that ad money going?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising?3) Describe the major types of newspapers and how they charge for advertising.4) Why do you think media planners and buyers need to be aware of the many creative possibilities offered by magazines?