Assessment 2- Evidence and Practice Based Research (Social Work Research Poster) Academic Essay
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Young money Academic Essay

These are my professors instructions and questions. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me.
How many of us would like to accumulate a cool million dollars by the time we retire?

Probably all of us, if we were honest with ourselves. Money doesn’t buy happiness but it does pay the bills. Go to the Young Money Web site and play with the Millionaire calculator.

Alter the values in the table to fit your specific situation and hit the calculate button. The graph will indicate your total accumulation, given your assumptions, by your target retirement age. At the top of the table the heading will indicate the age your current plan will actually make you a millionaire! Play with several of the values like savings per month and expected rate of return and notice how the age changes.

1. What happens to the length of time it takes you to become a millionaire when you increase your savings per month?
2. What happens when you increase the expected rate of return?
3. How do taxes impact your accumulation? Why are marginal tax rates important instead of average?
4. What rate should you use for an expected return?

5. What happens if I want to become a millionaire sooner than the calculator indicates?

Each of you have DIFFERENT conditions and constrains, show me YOUR answers/responses.

Have fun!
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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions