The final project for HUM 130 is a World Religions Report. For your project, you will choose a religion that is not your own and then visit a place of worship and interview a person of that faith. You will report your findings in an informative paper. Compare and contrast this religion with another one you are familiar with through this class.
Your World Religions Report should be 2000-2,500 words in length, formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the following elements:
1. Introduction of the religion
2. Name, location review of the site
3. Interview summary
4. Comparing and contrasting with another religion
5. Conclusion
6. References
Final Project Timeline
You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. As outlined below, some CheckPoints and assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete your project.
· What are the important holidays and traditions of this religion?
· How has religion shaped your life?
· What are the challenges, if any, to practicing this particular religion?
o Suggested in Week Five: Set up and complete your interview (let the interviewee preview questions if he or she is hesitant about the interview).