You take your food culture with you and you are where you’ve been……

Leitmotif (theme song)
October 17, 2020
Best practices in adult education
October 17, 2020

You take your food culture with you and you are where you’ve been……

You are to type a 1.5-2pp. single-spaced essay on your food culture. Use the numbers below when answering the questions. ( Ex. 1. My food traditions…..) Spell and grammar check!
Trace your food traditions. You can write on what you grew up eating, celebration or special meals, and any relationship to cultural and geographic considerations. How does food have meaning for you?
Explain how your traditional food culture has changed. What adjustments have been made? Are these related to geographic, social, or other considerations such as going away to college?
Explain your movements around the country (places you have lived) and how that may have influenced 1 or 2 above. If you were overseas, list the country (ies) lived in.
What and who has been the largest food influence in your life? Explain.