Management Report
You have been appointed as the Director of a new early childhood service in a large regional city in NSW. The service has been sponsored by a local management committee made up from several services in the community with support being offered by the local council in the form of building and grounds maintenance. The service has received approval from the NSW Department of Education and Communities to operate as a 45 place long day care centre and approval for parents to claim the Child Care Rebate while using the service.
The centre meets all the requirements of the licensing body in regards to space, equipment, building regulations, heating, cooling, security, safety, resources etc.
1. Write a description of your imaginary service (perhaps give it a name) including
a) the type of program (ie Reggio, emergent) – no more than 200 words
b) a short philosophy of the service – no more than 300 words
c) a profile of your service (including whether is rural, regional or city, socio-economic status, staffing, times and dates of operation) – no more than 300 words
d) An introduction of yourself, as a new director, that you would give to a committee (ie qualifications, experience and ambitions) – no more than 400 words
I’ve done this part.
2. Write a report for the Management Committee that covers a minimum of 8 of the Management areas in the subject. The Report should have:
1. Introduction – listing what is going to be in your report – (ie giving the 8 topics you intend to report on)
4. Each Management Area – discuss each one separately (for example budgets, staffing, promotion, community involvement or other management topics you have chosen to report on)
5. Conclusion .
There are obviously more than 8 Management tasks in your modules but this assessment gives you the opportunity to select 8 that you feel you would like to report on. Enusre that you advise clearly which ones you have selected.
Here is the list
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