Essay, Business
you can choose topic should about : consumer attitude toward online shopping(luxury brand like LV Gucci)
Project description
it is 6000 words research : plz see 2 document i upload..thank will show you all detail what you need to write and example
example 1 :
Introduction Explain the question and define / limit the terms of your engagement
Chapter 1 Morris’ Printed Textiles and their sources of imagery
Chapter 2 Morris’ views on man’s relationship to the natural world
Chapter 3 Examples
Chapter 4 Conclusion
500 words
1500 (3 x 500)
6000 Total
Example 2
Title :
Why are Morris’ textile patterns still influential on designers today ?
Method Cultural theory Case studies / Interviews
Plan :
Introduction Explain the question and define /
limit the terms of your engagement
Chapter 1 Morris’ Printed Textiles, the Arts & Crafts
Movement and popularity during the 20th C
Chapter 2 Printed Textiles Today, and their sources of
inspiration Post Modernism, Late Capitalism
Chapter 3 Case studies / Interviews
Chapter 4 Conclusion
500 words
3000 (3 x 1000)
6000 Total