Topic: York University Archaeology Resources Report
This assignment calls on to do the following: I will provide links below the instructions.
1. Examine the Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment of the York University Secondary Plan prepared by
Archaeological Services Incorporated in 2008; examine information provided by the city of Toronto and the Province of Ontario
related to preservation and/or disposition of archaeological resources;
2. Familiarize yourself with the potential location(s) of archaeological resources on the Keele campus;
3. Consider how extensive (or small) potential archaeological sites are likely to be;
4. Consider the importance of any surviving archaeological resources to ethnic communities, feminist groups, indigenous
peoples, museums, developers, antiquities markets, government legislators, popular culture, and the archaeological community;
5. Prepare a brief report on what you think should be done with (or about) these archaeological
The Stage 1 archaeological assessment is available available online at:
Information on city of Toronto and Ontario government policies related to preservation and/or
disposition of archaeological resources is available online at:
more emphasis should be put on instruction 5. York University is the Keele Campus.
This is a difficult assignment. I hope someone here can do this .
Hello. Make sure to email me if you have any questions. Let me know if the links work. Remember to put a bit more emphasis on
objective 5³. Thanks! counting on you.