xplain the article to the reader assuming the reader has never seen the article and has to rely on your account.

Explanation and Reflection of Dennett’s Quote
August 27, 2020
Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Academic Essay
August 27, 2020

xplain the article to the reader assuming the reader has never seen the article and has to rely on your account.

xplain the article to the reader assuming the reader has never seen the article and has to rely on your account.

The short paper: This paper cannot be longer than 2 pages (see formatting rules below). The point of the short paper is to explain the reading to a family member, who is very intelligent but does not know much about economic history (even if you do have a family member who is an economist or a historian). The short paper corresponds to the first bullet point below: explain the article to the reader assuming the reader has never seen the article and has to rely on your account.

When writing your paper, assume that the reader knows nothing about the journal article. You first need to explain the article to the reader. What is the article’s main point? What are the larger stakes, and why should anyone care about the topic? What kind of methodology and data the author uses to prove his or her argument? What are the conclusions? (for the short paper, this is all you do).

You must use a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, Lyx etc.). Double space each paper, including footnotes, endnotes, and the bibliography. Each page must be numbered by the software. Margins must be at least 1 inch all around. The type font size must be at least 11 points. The page limit includes the main text, footnotes, and endnotes, but not figures or the bibliography.
• You must prepare a cover page, which will not count towards your page limit. This cover page must have nothing but your name and the title of your essay. Do not put your name anywhere else on your paper. I will have the TA remove the cover page before I grade so that I can grade them “blind.”
• You can use only published, printed documents (books, articles etc.) as sources. You cannot cite a lecture (mine or anyone else’s) as a source. Websites themselves cannot be sources.

All of these papers are available through JSTOR; there is also at least one print copy of each at the library. You can access JSTOR through the link http://www.jstor.org from a computer that has UA library access, from your computer by connecting to UAWiFi or through UA VPN. You can then navigate your way to the journal and article in question by doing a basic search.
1. Dingle, Anthony E. “‘The Monster Nuisance of All’: Landowners, Alkali Manufacturers, and Air Pollution, 1828–64.” The Economic History Review 35, no. 4 (1982): 529-548.
2. Walton, John K. “The Demand for Working-Class Seaside Holidays in Victorian England.” The Economic History Review 34, no. 2 (1981): 249-265.
3. Hobsbawm, E. J. “General Labour Unions in Britain, 1889–1914.” The Economic History Review 1, no. 2-3 (1949): 123-142.
4. Dunham, Arthur L. “The Development Of The Cotton Industry in France and the Anglo- French Treaty of Commerce of 1860.” The Economic History Review 1, no. 2 (1928): 281- 307.
5. Fearon, Peter. “The Formative Years of the British Aircraft Industry, 1913–1924.” Business History Review 43, no. 04 (1969): 476-495.
6. Gilbert, Bentley B. “The Decay of Nineteenth-Century Provident Institutions and the Coming of Old Age Pensions in Great Britain.” The Economic History Review 17, no. 3
(1965): 551-563.
7. Graham, Gerald S. “The Ascendancy of the Sailing Ship 1850-1851.” The Economic
History Review 9, no. 1 (1956): 74-88.
8. Henderson, W. O. “Germany’s Trade with Her Colonies, 1884–1914.” The Economic
History Review 9, no. 1 (1938): 1-16.
9. McCreary, Eugene C. “Social welfare and business: the Krupp welfare program, 1860–
1914.” Business History Review 42, no. 01 (1968): 24-49.
10. Jones, Michael John. “The Agricultural Depression, Collegiate Finances, and Provision for Education at Oxford, 1871–1913.” The Economic History Review 50, no. 1 (1997): 57-81.