Written submission in Economics

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Written submission in Economics

Written submission in Economics


Remember to take up different perspectives in your answer, where you use concrete examples and explanations as the basis


Remember to clearly justify and argue for your answers, with the help of well-founded arguments based on relevant data source references.


Emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of each theory.


Use Times New Roman, paragraph 12, 1.5 line spacing. Number of pages 3-4 A4 pages. Use the footnote system, as well as a bibliography and source discussion in which you discuss each source each one individually, based on reliability and relevance.

Do both the first and the second task

Task 1

Europe has in recent years been affected by an economic crisis, including severe recession, high unemployment, and large budget deficits.

Analyze how Keynesianism and Monetarism want to come to grips with the economic crisis?


Assume ‘Cause, Consequence, The action – model .How does Keynesianism and monetarism want to work/serve as remedy/action based on the model?


Enter/provide concrete examples from reality on how economic crises can be explained on the basis of the two theories.

Task 2

Discuss capitalism today:what are the overall problems exists? What is the significance of Smith, Marx, Keynes and Friedman for the global economy and economic policy today?

The following abilities are the basis for the task:


Account for some of the key theories, discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


 Explain how the theories influence contemporary economic, political and social conditions and how these conditions can be understood on the basis of the theories.


Analyze complex social issues and identify causes and consequences.


-Use social science concepts, theories, models and methods.


Discuss the causes, as well as political, economic and social consequences of various solutions to social issues.


In the work with social issues, you can search, examine and interpret information from various sources, making appropriate references and make reflections on sources’ relevance and credibility.

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