Written in “paper requirement” section Academic Essay

The Split Academic Essay
August 13, 2020
LLPA in the Australian Curriculum. Academic Essay
August 13, 2020

Written in “paper requirement” section Academic Essay

Zach’s readings and lecture ranged over a number of interesting topics. Feel free to answer one, some, or all of the following questions – they are all related. Look up information about Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s respective foreign policy perspectives – how do they compare with Dorfman’s perspective on international relations, as he described in the lecture? Instead of what it has been and is doing, what do you think the United States should do with its unparalleled military and economic power? What should the US do regarding nuclear weapons and refugees? Lastly, how have your views on foreign policy been formed? How reliant on media companies are you for information about US foreign policy, and if you feel overreliant on them, how might you develop a more diverse set of information sources?

**use lecture notes and the course reading attached to this

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Posted on May 2, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions