Writing documented identity essay

July 5, 2020
Women must enjoy the rights to participate fully in the social and political lives of their countries if we want freedom and democracy to thrive and e
July 5, 2020

Writing documented identity essay

This is your opportunity to join the conversation regarding what shape identity we have two different articles which include certain opinion out society shapes who people are. With first reference to hip hop planet and Black man in public spaces . ( both are in the dre 098 book). Discuss the two reading show the society effect, who people are. How do the authors feel racial fear and hip-hop music shape identity?

Paragraph 1 is the introduction.

Setup your essay and your readers interest. No article summary or quotation here. Your introduction should engage your reader as you introduce your topic until two or expand your thesis a sentence that clearly states your essays main idea. Remember a thesis is an opinion something you are trying to prove to the reader.

Articles overview summary paragraph 2. this gives the reader a rundown of what the author thinks. The brief with these are not to take the reader off course. No quotes are to be used here you must paraphrase. But the authors ideas into your own words. Please make at least one paragraph.

Analyzing of black men and public spaces this is your time to jump into the conversation and comment on what the author has to say about society and identity as it relates to race and fear. Include in your discussion and relative quote from story and make sure you show it apply to the point you’re trying to make.

Analyze of hip hop planet . This is your time to jump into conversation and comment on what the author has to say about hip-hop music and the identity of American youth. Include in your discussion a relevant quote from the story making sure you had shown how it applies to the point you are trying to make.

Closure essay with a summary of your thoughts on the topic of society and identity. The reader should know exactly what you think about this issue. Try to refer to something in your introduction to bring essay to the full circle.

The purpose to use two readings to show the cause-and-effect relationship between society and identity.

Your audience is academic readers.

Your tone appropriate for academic publishing.

Remember to develop your ideas with logic organization and clear writing sentences through the essay.

Each body paragraph should have coherence using of transition words and phrases to link ideas.

The conclusion should reiterate the main idea of your paper make the reader reflect about your ideas and neatly in the paper.

Correct grammar and spelling are expected as well as sentence variety.

MLA format is required and works citation page must be included.