Writing assignment: After watching either eBroken Blossoms€ or eOrphans of the Storm,

Summary of the Teaching Plan
September 13, 2020
Essay title
September 13, 2020

Writing assignment: After watching either eBroken Blossoms€ or eOrphans of the Storm,

Writing assignment:  After watching either Broken Blossoms or Orphans of the Storm, write a brief reaction paperone page describing how the leading women were portrayed in the movie. Discuss how that portrayal reflected (or defied) the prevailing sentiment of the times.

Guiding questions:

· What do these images tell us about the way Victorians regarded women?

· Who was Mary Pickford?  Who was Lillian Gish?   Who was D.W. Griffith?

·  Examining the archetype of the vamp: What did this femme fatale represent?  What did she want? And what did she tell us about masculine feelings toward women’s Reading assignment:  Popcorn Venus. From the beginning through The Twenties.