Writer must read the book. Cambridge illustrated History-china By Ebrey, chapter 10. Otherwise you wont be able to write the essay.
What would life be like in the Republic of China from 1920 to 1930? Compare what life was like for people living in urban and rural areas during this time.
Format and Requirements:
Your response paper to the prompt given below should provide a clear and concise answer or opinion to the issue addressed in the prompt. Be sure to include examples from the text to further support your idea. You do not need to quote the book in your response paper, but make sure you are supporting your ideas with evidence related directly to the course. The paper should be no longer than around 350 400 words. Please give your paper a title. The format of the paper must be 12 point font Times New Roman with one inch margins.Remember, 350 -400 words only.
Book Link: https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=vr81YoYK0c4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Cambridge+Illustrated+History-China+by+Ebrey&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=confucianism&f=false