Variables interfering with internal validity
Temporal Ambiguity: Undiagnosed/underlying urinary tract infection prior to catheter insertion.
Increased susceptibility to infection with immunocompromised patients.
Collect the data on any documented preexisting UTIs, documented immunocompromised patients, and remove from sampling. ok
History: Technique of catheter care by various healthcare personnel in contact with patient such as perianal care with bathing and changing drainage bags when necessary.
Educate staff on importance of diligent catheter care during dwell time and maintenance of sterile technique with drainage bag changes. Follow up for compliance. ok
Maturation: Effects of disease, post-operative recovery period and various other medical states which can impact results of data.
Collect data on vital signs, lab work (including differential white blood counts), and other infectious processes that may be present concurrently with urinary catheter use and consider as explanation for results. ok