Write a reflective essay on a current ethics or sustainability problem, based on an extended example from a business organisation of the student’s c

March 11, 2020
Employee Performance mangement Custom Essay
March 11, 2020

Write a reflective essay on a current ethics or sustainability problem, based on an extended example from a business organisation of the student’s c

Write a reflective essay on a current ethics or sustainability problem, based on an extended example from a business organisation of the student’s choice. Extensive application of four ethical theories is expected
Sample exam questions from 2012/13:
1. “We create brilliant, quality products, and every time you buy one, we donate 100% of the profit to life-changing projects in developing countries”. OneWater website.
OneWater is a social enterprise with its primary goal of increasing access to clean drinking water. Apply stakeholder theory to a social enterprise with which you are familiar (you may use OneWater but are not required to). Using Mitchell, Agle & Woods’ analysis of stakeholder salience, how does your analysis compare with a traditional private sector firm?
2. What are the particular sustainability issues in the context of high profile sporting events? Consider economic, social and environmental sustainability perspectives and practical examples to illustrate your answer.
3. ‘New technology presents entirely new challenges for business ethics.’ Discuss this statement, referring in your answer to social contract theory and social media. Give practical examples to illustrate your argument.
4. Drawing on examples of sustainability or CSR reports, reflect critically on their value and limitations? Include in your answer a discussion of how the credibility of sustainability or CSR reports can be improved?
5. What do you understand to be the ethical issues in corporate governance? Use ethical theory in your answer.
6. News Headline: “BP faces temporary ban from new US contracts” due to lack of business integrity” This headline relates to the perceived failure of BP in the Bluewater Horizon Oilspill disaster of 2010. What opportunities and challenges are there for companies which wish to adopt ‘Corporate Social Responsibility.’
7. Give a full and balanced account of the ethical issues of marketing an addictive product. Choose a concrete example to illustrate your analysis and include ethical theory in your discussion
8. Outline three common tools and techniques for managing business ethics within the organization. What are their relative advantages and disadvantages? Use practical examples to illustrate your discussion.
9. What actions can civil society take to influence corporations and their business practices? Use examples to illustrate your response.
10. “It is the role of government to look after welfare and business to generate profit” Critically assess this statement, illustrating your answer with practical examples.