write a reasearch paper on Cloud Security or Mobile security
write a graduate quality paper on either of the two topics (5 to 10 pages with out including the title and reference pages, double spaced, APA formatted) for the course. In addition to the textbook, you need to use at least 5 supplement resources from professional journals, magazines, etc. You can access professional sources using the BSU library research port at http://www.bowiestate.edu/academics/library/. The use of on-line academic databases is encouraged. The databases for this course include:
¢ Business Source Premier (Ebsco) An index to business and management journals and magazines with full text for 1685 journals.
¢ Computer Journals (Proquest) Articles from computing journals in database design, software development, web commerce, etc.
¢ See Additional References at the end of this document.
¢ You may also use google scholar @ http://scholar.google.com/ to find articles.