Write a one to two page memo comparing using a “normative model for creating employee surveys versus a participatory staff meeting force field appro

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Write a one to two page memo comparing using a “normative model for creating employee surveys versus a participatory staff meeting force field appro

Write a one to two page memo comparing using a normative model for creating employee surveys versus a participatory staff meeting force field approach for creating employee survey. Be sure to indicate which of the two processes you recommend an organization use.
The two processes to consider are as follows:

?Using researched models and best practices from academic literature and OD practitioner case studies. This means providing specific questions and definitions based on research that addresses factors such as performance, teamwork, etc. Give 2-3 advantages to this method and 2-3 concerns or potential problems.

?Consider using a massive staff meeting to identify possible questions for the employee questionnaire for what to evaluate. Give 2-3 advantages to this method and 2-3 concerns or potential problems

Be sure your comments take into account issues such as generating valid data, the impact on readiness to change, adding to the capacity and learning of the organization, and implementation concerns (resources and time needed).