Write a how-to-article on resume as a College Freshman and Get the Job

BBA Introdaction to Managing Quality
September 27, 2020
hair examiner
September 27, 2020

Write a how-to-article on resume as a College Freshman and Get the Job

Write a how-to-article on resume as a College Freshman and Get the Job
write a how-to article to teach how to create this genre and use it effectively.
Careful: the point is to demonstrate your skills at genre analysis, so your how-to article should not be a simple list of steps to help create a document that looks like the written genre, but rather an in-depth analysis of the genre’s social and rhetorical roles.

Please check the two file uploaded follow the outline and check the pre work 2.1 under article sections. You should use those three articles for reference and only write on the outline part i proved because its a group work