Write a 2-page Progress Report in memo format that details work youve done for your Recommendation Proposal and what remains to be accomplished. Creat

Prepare a chart that you have divided into five age groups: childhood (5-12 years old), adolescence (13-19 years old), young adults (20-34 years old),
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020

Write a 2-page Progress Report in memo format that details work youve done for your Recommendation Proposal and what remains to be accomplished. Creat

Order DescriptionLength: 2 pagesWhat: Write a 2-page Progress Report in memo format that details work youve done for your Recommendation Proposal and what remains to be accomplished. Create the business memo using form, organization, syntax, diction, style, and tone appropriate for a given audience and subject. Locate, evaluate, and integrate information using revision strategies to demonstrate skills of good writing.
Why: Often your employer, shareholders, and customers need to know the status of a business project that is underway. This assignment requires you to inform your audience of progress on the Recommendation Proposal: schedule, tasks completed, problems encountered, and work remaining. The assignment also reinforces your understanding of writing as a process that demands substantive revision.
How: Write a 2-page Progress Report in memo format. There is a model of this format in the course textbook. A few things to remember as you write this document:
1. The purpose of the report is to inform the reader.
2. The report must be convincing and thorough.
3. The report should give details such as times, dates, quantities, and costs (if applicable).
4. The following sections should be included in the report:
memo heading (TO, FROM, DATE, SUBJECT)
Purpose of Report
Work Accomplished
Problems Encountered
Work Remaining
Project Completion
5. Revise the entire document as many times as necessary to ensure your thoughts are clearly
conveyed and paragraphs are logically developed.
6. Ensure the final draft is at least 2 pages in length. Use Times New Roman style and 11 or 12
point font.
7. Edit for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
You will create multiple drafts of this assignment toward a polished, well-crafted final version of your work.
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