Write a 1-2 page essay indicating your thoughts on the topic of protecting fashion and if you think that fashion should be protected.

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Write a 1-2 page essay indicating your thoughts on the topic of protecting fashion and if you think that fashion should be protected.

Can fashion be protected is an ongoing subject of debate both in and outside of our industry.
1. Read Pages 172-212 and Pages 213-224 in the text for information on this topic.
2. Go to lynda.com and watch the video Intellectual Property Fundamentals by Dana Robinson for additional information on the topics of copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.
3. Write a 1-2 page essay indicating your thoughts on the topic of protecting fashion and if you think that fashion should be protected. Explain why you say yes or no and why this is good or bad for the fashion industry.
4. In your essay indicate at least one new thing you learned about this topic. Your essay will be the basis of a class discussion.
5. On a separate paper write your understanding of the definition of a Utility Patent and a Design Patent and give an example of each of these patents. These items will also be a class discussion.
Added on 24.02.2016 13:45
Please read the pages I attached. There should be 46 pages.