World’s Most Powerful Women Academic Essay

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World’s Most Powerful Women Academic Essay

World’s Most Powerful Women
Start with the Excel spreadsheet – World’s Most Powerful Women
The starting file contains the results of a Forbes’ 2013 study based on their rankings of the top 100
World’s Most Powerful Women ( Contained in the starting
file is the Forbes’ rank in column A, the person’s name in column B, the person’s title column C, the
person’s age in column D, personal’s country in E, and the person’s category in column F.
You have been asked to summarize this data and your tasks are as follows:
1. For the range I1:V28, write a formula that displays the count of how many times a person meets the
condition of being associated with a country in I2:I28, and associated with a category in J1:V1. Start by
writing a formula in J2, which represents this count is based on the country in I2 and the category in J2.
Write this formula in such a way that it can be copied or filled to the right to V2, and down to V28.
2. For the range W1:W28, you are asked to calculate a total based on the value you calculated in the
previous step. Start by writing a formal in W2, which can be filled down to W28.
3. Based on the numeric count totals in W2:W28, you are asked to find the highest value, and the
second highest value in cells W31 and W32 respectively. Write a formula in cell W31, which can be
copied or filled down to W32.
4. Write a conditional formatting rule that is based on comparing an individual total from W2:W28 to
the top two values found in the prior step. Start by writing a conditional formatting rule in cell W2,
which fills the cell with yellow and has bold font if the numeric count is either the highest or the second
highest value. This format formula should be referenced in a way that you can use the format painter to
paint the format from W2 all the way back to J2. In other words, if the total condition matches either
the highest or the second highest value, the entire row from J to W should be formatted with a yellow
fill with bold font.
a. HINT: There are many ways to achieve this task; I would recommend writing two separate conditional
formatting formulas.
5. For the range I34:J61, you are to write a formula that determines the median value of age based on
the person’s country. Start by writing a formula in J35, which computes the median based on the
country in cell I35. This formula should be written in a way that it can be copied or filled down to cell
6. Based on the median age values found in J34:J61, you have been asked to find lowest age value, and
the second lowest age value in cells J64 and J65 respectively. Write a formula in cell J64, which can be
copied or filled down to J65.
7. Write a conditional formatting rule that is based on comparing an individual total from J35:J61 to the
bottom two values found in the prior step. Start by writing a conditional formatting rule in cell J35,
which fills the cell with yellow and has bold font if the median age is either the smallest or the second
smallest value. This format formula should be referenced in a way that you can use the format painter
to paint the format from J35 to J61.
a. HINT: There are many ways to achieve this task; I would recommend writing two separate conditional
formatting formulas.
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions