March 17, 2020
Geology : Week 4 Deserts Lab Report
March 17, 2020

world music

Listen to both chants mentioned during week nine, CD 1 Track 15 (“Kyrie” Roman Catholic Mass), and CD 3 Track 6 (Melody for Mahakala – Tibetan Chant).

(Track 6 is mislabeled on some CD’s. I uploaded the mp3 if you are unsure about it.)

Use at least THREE musical terms (CAPITALIZED or underlined) to compare or contrast at least THREE things in the two selections.

(Do not use the fact that they are both simply singing as one of your comparisons.)

I recommend that you write a lot, and that you use more than the minimum number of terms and comparisons.


3 points for each term used appropriately, defined in context, and capitalized or underlined (total of 9)

3 points for each item that is compared/contrasted (total of 9)

8 points for a thorough answer with proper grammer/spelling. Please be clear. Aim for at least five sentences (less if you use longer sentences).

It is not necessary to use one term per comparison. Just include a minimum of 3 terms and 3 comparisons.


Listen to both chants mentioned during week nine, CD 1 Track 15 (“Kyrie” Roman Catholic Mass), and CD 3 Track 6 (Melody for Mahakala – Tibetan Chant).

(Track 6 is mislabeled on some CD’s. I uploaded the mp3 if you are unsure about it.)

Use at least THREE musical terms (CAPITALIZED or underlined) to compare or contrast at least THREE things in the two selections.

(Do not use the fact that they are both simply singing as one of your comparisons.)

I recommend that you write a lot, and that you use more than the minimum number of terms and comparisons.