WORLD HISTORY Academic Essay

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WORLD HISTORY Academic Essay

Choose ONE of the following options and answer it with a formal essay of about three
double-spaced pages. Be sure that your essay has a thesis statement and effective topic sentences
(you should think of these as sub theses) for each body paragraph. Use examples to back up
your ideas. DO NOT pursue outside research.
Option 1: To what extent was individual agency constrained in Meiji Japan as depicted only in
Sanshiro? Be sure to consider several characters in the novel to build your argument. In your
answer you must specifically also use at least one of Rousseau’s The Social Contract,
Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman, or Marx’s Communist Manifesto to help
explain the examples of agency that you see.
Option 2: Based on the characters in Sanshiro, did people in Meiji Japan view the role and value
of women’s education in terms more similar to or different from Wollstonecraft in the
Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Engels and Marx in the Communist Manifesto?

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions