Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Designer Babies
June 14, 2020
Location of Sporting event
June 14, 2020

Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
Task 2: LO2 Understand how to promote positive partnership working with users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care services
What you must do

As the focal point for quality, you then advise all Unit managers adhere to the new expected standards. In doing so, you provide a manual that helps as the baseline document for best practice.
Inside the manual, you must:

2.1 Analyse models of partnership working across the health and social care sector. [Empowerment; theories of collaboration working; informed decision making; information sharing;confidentiality; professional roles and responsibilities; Models of working eg Unified, coordinated,coalition and hybrids models; management structures; communication methods; inter-agencies working eg multi-area agreements (MAA), Local Area Agreements (LAA); joint working agreements]. (275 words)

2.2 You must also review current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care. [Examples, social care, safeguarding children and young people, mental health, disability, data protection,diversity, equality and inclusion]. (275 words)

2.3. Finally in your report you must explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working. [current and relevant practices; agreed ways of working; statutory; voluntary and private agency practices; local, regional and national policy documents produced by eg government departments, specialists units, voluntary agencies, risk assessment procedures; employment practices; service planning procedures]. (275 words)

Task 3: LO3 Be able to evaluate the outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care services. What you must do

Your manual should have a specific column for expectations in working in a multidisciplinary environment. The manual section is to be published as part of the organisational summary.

3.1 In the first section of the summary you must evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for service users, professionals and organisations. [outcome for service users: positive outcomes eg improved services, empowerment, autonomy, informed decision making; negative outcomes eg neglect, abuse, harm, anger,miscommunication. Outcomes for professionals – positives outcomes eg coordinated service provision, professional approach, preventing mistakes, efficient use of resources; negative outcomes eg professional rivalry, miscommunication, time wasting, mismanagement of funding. Outcome for organisations: positive outcomes eg coherent approach, shared principles, comprehensive service provision, common working practices, integrated services; negative outcomes eg communication breakdown, disjointed service provision, increased costs, loss of shared purpose. (275 words)

3.2 In the second section of the summary, you must analyse the potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services. (Lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities; negative attitudes; lack of communication, not sharing information, different priorities; different attitudes and values). (275 words)

3.3 Finally, in the last section you must devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services.(Strategies to improve outcomes: communication, information sharing; consultation; negotiation; models of empowerment; collective multi-agencies working; dealing with conflict; stakeholder analysis). (275 words)

Ensure to set examples for all work giving both positives and negatives to debate findings and what could be done to improve on the negatives. Avoid repetitions.