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WorkBrain Corp Case Study

Workbrain Corp. €“ A Case in Exit Strategy
Imagine that you are Matt Chapman. Prepare a memo (or outline the points that would go into a memo) on the subject of the exit strategy Workbrain should pursue and why.

1. Introduction
2. Discuss whether Workbrain should prepare for an IPO..
3. Determine if now is the right time for an IPO..
4. Determine which exchange would serve the company better (TSX or NASDAQ) and why..
5. Determine if the shareholders would be better off if the company pursued potential acquirers rather than an IPO..- support with numbers
6. Discuss what other financing alternatives are available..
7. Discuss if the company even needs to raise money.
8. Conclusion
9. References

APA writing style €“ Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides