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Women Gender Studies

Women Gender Studies

Man was created in the image of God and so was the woman as written in the sacred scriptures. It means that a man must get justice just like the woman and the woman must get the justice just like the man. Justice is something that among all living creature, only man understand. According to the sacred writings, man and woman were created with equal dignity where they should give and receive equal justice. In our current contemporary society, there is gender inequality with women being the most affected. Women are not given the same gender justice as men. In the contemporary society of the United States of America, women and gender justice has slowly been practiced to the level where no gender is looked down upon. In the essay, various steps of implementing gender justice in the United States of American society will be discussed. It will be mostly in relation to the police system.

The police system of United States of America has been known for its domination by males. Men were ranked higher than the women in the police departments where the lucky women served at extremely lower levels. On the occasion of torture in the police stations the issue of gender justice was not considered. This is where the number of men tortured was higher compared to that of the women (Vadackumchery, 2000).There is prove that men have suffered most in the hands of the police than the women. Accusations of male policemen are severally made when they deal with female culprits than they are when they deal with men. The accusations are mostly on sexual harassment and rapes in the custody whenever women come into the picture.

The gender justice concept is an issue that has been raised recently. It was not there in the contemporary society of the United States of America in the early post-colonial era. It is recently that women went for police recruitment. In their police jobs, they never performed any jobs worth their names (Vadackumchery, 2000). They were not supposed to join the police as officers or constables. Women themselves looked down upon those that joined the police as police women. People spoke ill of the police women and marriages for them became the impossibilities of their lives. The police women were not involved in the administration of justice hence; they could not offer gender justice to anybody. The police women could watch silently as men performed the police jobs on women who visited police stations for assistance. Since the police women were silent there aroused custodial rapes and sexual harassments to the prostitutes and other women in custody. In such a cultural society, gender justice served a lot of importance and relieved many off their worries (Vadackumchery, 2000).

According to Vadackumchery (2000), the means that the police use to ensure gender justice in the society still remain very unclear. The means that they use are also not well defined and known in the society. Gender justice is said to have been put into practice when the police behave decently, neatly and in an honorable manner while dealing with women. On the contrary, this is not gender justice rather it is a culture of behaving well towards the favored sex in the society. It is no known to many how the police should respond to gender values as the main body that enforce law in the society. It has been found out that there is no action by the police can claim legitimizing gender injustice. The international community has warned that any action that violates the gender justice is illegal, immoral and goes against the human dignity (Vadackumchery, 2000). Gender injustice is considered a grave violation since men and women were created alike and with equal personal dignity. Any act that disrespects the concept contained in the gender justice is termed a grave disorder in the implementing of justice.

Gender justice starts from the households of the police where every police man is a son to a woman, a father to a daughter, a husband to a wife and many other females who are his relatives. The same case applies to the police women who are also parents and are relatives to many males in the society. This makes it necessary for justice to be implemented in the homesteads as the first step of implementing the justice (Vadackumchery, 2000). The transfer of gender justice from the domestic level helps solve issues concerned with gender justice when transferred to the police stations. If a police man or a police woman can see every person with dignity, human rights and people with gender issues then the problem of gender injustice can be addressed to a considerable extent. The number of women who get the police attention either having committed a crime or as victims of the crime are very few compared to the number of men (Vadackumchery, 2000).

In conclusion, the issue of gender injustice has to be addressed in the betterment of each and every individual in the society. Every person in the society may it be a man or a woman has to be treated with justice. Every person in the society has dignity and human rights that have to be respected and served with just. A woman has to be handled the same way a man is handled by the police after committing a crime. There should also be gender justice when it comes to the issue of job appointments where everybody has to be given equal chances and roles when working.



Vadackumchery, James (2000): Police, Women and Gender Justice. APH Publishing.