Women and Literature: Tracks and Four SoulsOrder DescriptionAlthough Fleur is the central character of Tracks and Four Souls, Erdrich tells her story through other characters who often represent dramatically differentperspectives from Fleur and each other. Write an essay exploring how having multiple narrators contributes to our understanding of Fleur, why Fleur may not be the bestchoice for narrator, and how multiple perspectives help to advance Erdrich?s larger mission in the novels. Be sure to explain the differences in Erdrich?s narrativechoices in each novel.Make sure that your essay argues YOUR theory on the matter, illustrates your points by discussing specific moments from the novel, and incorporates lots of strongquotations. Choose the best quotations to support your argument, fully explain their meaning and significance, and avoid summarizing the plot!Your essay will be graded on thesis, structure, support and mechanics.
? Thesis: your essay must argue a point. Without a thesis, it is not an essay!
? Structure: Each paragraph in your essay should develop an aspect of your thesis.
? Support: You must incorporate quotations from the novel as proof of your argument.