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TITLE: The fight at The Skiving Scholar COURSEWORK INSTRUCTIONS AND MARKING SCHEME Case overview On the evening of the 16th January 2016 an altercation broke out at The Skiving Scholar Inn on Holyhead Road, Coventry. During this disturbance Mr. Joe Kerr was allegedly pushed through a window at the premises by Mr. Carey Oki. On his arrest, a number of glass fragments were recovered from the hair and clothing of Mr. Oki and the investigative team have asked you to establish if these originated from the broken window at the premises. You must describe and discuss in detail the persistence, recovery of glass, and the theoretical and working principles of at least two different analysis techniques used to analyse glass evidence. Instructions For this assessment you are required to complete the witness statement proforma provided. This proforma has been partially completed for you, meaning that you are only required to complete the personal details/ experience, discussion, interpretation, conclusion and technical details sections (in essence those highlighted in red). As part of this statement you will have to use Bayesian statistics to determine probabilistic data for the glass evidence, and evaluate strength of this evidence – you must provide a full breakdown of the Bayes calculation. In the technical discussion section you are expected to provide a clear, concise, yet detailed technical discussion of the analysis systems used (GRIM & SEM­EDX)? I would also expect you to consider issues such as persistence, recovery. An indication of the elements to be covered and a marking proforma are provided on the following page? please note that the word limit for this assessment is 1000 words, with the Technical section being limited to 800 words. INCLUDE the Excel file with your paper submission. Help on essay structure: ­ The following elements must be included in your essay? I have provided approximate word limits to help you judge how to apportion your statement. Section Approximate word limits Personal data/ Experience: Complete red sections As required (10% of mark) Discussion: Conduct a brief discussion of the results considering the significance of the averages and standard deviations you have determined Approximately 200 words (40% of mark) Interpretation: Using the data provided in the witness statement proforma and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet you are required to calculate the match probability for the glass recovered in this case (you will need to conduct T­tests), and establish a hypothesis. Both of these will be covered in class. Conclusion: This should be brief? indicate how you achieved your final result and what this means with regards to this evidence i.e. is it weak, moderate, strong… Again this will be covered in class. Technical details: You must provide detail for the techniques uses (i.e. GRIM & SEM­EDX). This needsto be technically detailed, yet accessible to an individual not familiar with these techniques. Also include advantages and disadvantages of each. Approximately 800 words (50% of Mark) What you need to submit: A HARD COPY and an ELECTRONIC COPY of this work are required. If you hand in the hard copy LATE your overall mark will be penalised in line with standard University Penalties (see below). Hard copies of coursework must be submitted to the assignment handling office in the Richard Crossman building by 4pm on the due date (see above for due date and requirements). Submission forms for coursework are available on NOVA/ Moodle. You are strongly advised to obtain a stamped receipt as proof of submission and also to keep your own copy of the submitted work. You are also required to submit an electronic copy of this assessment through the TurnItIn link on the 211BMS Moodle page. Normal penalties for late/ none submission apply­ ­ work that is submitted late, without an extension or deferral having been granted, will receive a mark of ZERO (students MAY be eligible for a resit attempt) ­ work that is not submitted will be recorded as ABSENT­ students will NOT be entitled to resit the module. THIS MAY HAVE VERY SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES. If you are unable hand your coursework in by the required deadline and are eligible for an extension or deferral you must contact the departmental office or your level tutor as soon as possible and BEFORE the date the work is due. MARKING SCHEME/CRITERIA As indicated in Template SPECIFIC HELP AVAILABLE Examples of the type of help available include: 1. During lectures and tutorials students have received background information about glass morphology, and the associated analysis techniques. This will be supplemented with the hands­on knowledge gained in the laboratory at both Level 1 & 2. 2. The reading list provided gives some help in starting to find appropriate material for these topics, students are also advised to refer to analytical chemistry and forensic science text books within the library and E­Library, as well as journal articles. 3. On­line material is available to support this in Moodle. PLAGARISM Your work must be your own independent piece of work, not produced in collusion with a fellow student (i.e. your work should not be similar to any other students) or plagiarized (copied) from a fellow student or a web site or a text book or any other information source. When referencing sources of information (books, journals or web pages) make sure you use the correct University Harvard referencing system Please note that Turnitin will compare your work with material from the Web and from submissions from other students. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT CUT AND PASTE MATERIAL FROM THE WEB OR OTHER SOURCES, ALWAYS PUT THE MATERIAL INTO YOUR OWN WORDS. Penalties for work that is too long If your work is more than 10% over the word limit then 10% of your mark will be removed as a penalty. Your limit is 1000 words­ so you will be penalised if it is more than 1100 words long NOTE: i will upload WITNESS STATEMENT template you have to fill it in and you have to write every thing on it pleases *i will send you an example of it of my friend

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Posted on May 10, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions