Why Women In Saudi Arabia should not drive?

Educational Psychology
October 9, 2020
The impact of autonomous learning on graduate students’ proficiency level in foreign language learning
October 9, 2020

Why Women In Saudi Arabia should not drive?

Paper details:
Attached is the guidelines for assignment 1. You will use the article located at the following internet address as the basis for your discussion.


This article sets out some of the arguments the Shura Council in KSA has used to support the argument Why Women In Saudi Arabia should not drive. I expect you to use the arguments raised in this article together any other arguments often raised to support the argument why women in KSA should not drive.

You are then expected to raise counter arguments to the above mentioned arguments. The counter arguments here are those arguments that support lifting of the ban allowing women to drive in KSA.

You should in your conclusion you should summarise both sides of the argument and give your explanation for why you agree or disagree with the ban.

UNIV 1212: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Spring 2013
Assignment 1

Short Argument

(10%=Constructing A Short Argument)
Purpose of Assignment

• This is an individual assignment.
• This assignment will help students understand the argumentation process involved in critical thinking. This assignment will also help students recognize key features and concepts in particular aspects of argumentation.


• To help students articulate a short argument.
• To help students understand key terms and concepts involved in argumentation
• To help students write a simple argument, and a counter-claim

Instructional Media: Tools and Resources

• Students will use the BlackBoard technology for submitting their work.
• The sole resource will be the textbook by Inch & Warnick and article posted on Blackboard.

The Topic

You will read the article posted on Blackboard and write a simple argument by stating a claim and using at least two reasons to support the claim. You will then write a counter-claim to the claim.

1. The report must use your own language. You are not permitted to cut and paste any sentences from the textbook.

3. The report must:
• have a cover page
• have an Assessment Rubric (if not, 1 point deducted)
• use Times New Romans or Arial, font size: 12
• have a space of 1.5 between lines,
• 1 Full page in length
• full sentences (and no bullet points)

3. The report must use the following headings:


Submission Criteria

Date Due: Post on BlackBoard on March 8, 2013.
Who must submit assignment: Each person must post the assignment on BlackBoard

Where to deliver hard copies: No Hard Copies

The following piece of info must appear on the cover page:
UNIV 1212: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Spring 2013
Dr Ifzal Akhtar
Section XXX
Assignment 1: Short Argument (10%)

Assessment Criteria

CRITERIA Assessment Rubric for Individual Argument SCORES
Introduction Clearly and articulately introduce the subject matter 2.5%
Claim Clearly states claim and at least 2 reasons to support it 7%
Counter-claim Clearly states counterclaim and at least 2 reasons to support it 7%
Conclusion Clearly summarise your arguments and counter-arguments and confirm your opinion on the article and subject matter 2.5%
Mechanics Punctuation and spelling and capitalization are correct, words are well chosen, writer uses own words, use of headings, topic sentences, third person, full sentences, no bullet points, follows guidelines 6%

Notes about Scoring

• The score is converted into an assessment score out of 10% by dividing the above score by 2.5

Late Assignments

• No late assignments are accepted. Late assignments will receive 0% marks.
• Your assignment must be on BlackBoard on the due date before the start of class.
• There are NO exceptions to these rules.