Scenario 7 vikas
October 25, 2020
Term Financial Management
October 25, 2020

Why We Keep Stuf

Write a response to the argumentative essay.

Caroline Knapp, Why We Keep Stuff,” pp. 241-243

As you compose your response, you might consider the following questions as a means for assisting you with the structure of your response.

  • What was your reaction to the essay while you were reading it and after you finished reading it? How do you feel about the topic that the author discusses? What is your perspective?
  • What did you think was particularly successful about the essay? In other words, what did the author do that was interesting, unexpected, or different? What did you think was not effective?
  • Did you learn anything new or interesting from the reading?

How did the reading help you to better understand the type of essay you are to write and submit this Block?