Why. was Donovan unsuccessful in his attempt to negotiate for a delay of the trial for the
then accused Russian spy, Rudolf Abel?
0 How did the CIA persuade Donovan to represent Abel despite the controversial nature of
doing so?
0 What qualifies dld Jim Donovan’s character make him and excellent negotiator in stressful
situations? What scene (or scenes) most-gleam demonstrate these qualities?
0 How did Donovan persuade” f‘éf‘t-gzr Abel to jail time and not the death
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o Who wash; t ‘ “rim iation for the prisoner exchange of
o Int-if” e- Ott, the German Attorney
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o ‘ fi in the ClA agent at the
w ‘ ‘ firm; ited States agreed
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to use”? a
o Why do you think f l ‘ ” it ”M. to the
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negotiation of Abel for POW’Zi 5 r I;
9 Why do you think when everyoj” 354 , t, had
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me released? How did that reflect the ette a tilt em
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