why the food industry uses food safety management systems based upon HACCP principles

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June 20, 2020
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June 20, 2020

why the food industry uses food safety management systems based upon HACCP principles

why the food industry uses food safety management systems based upon HACCP principles

Order Description

•A definition of what constitutes food safety management and how total food safety is achieved
•The role of PRPs and HACCP in supporting the development and production of safe food
•Benefits and limitations of HACCP
•Legal requirements for HACCP
•Suitability of HACCP as a food safety management system for all food businesses
•Case study examples

the following must be included as references:
1- HACCAP. a practical approach (2013).
2- Food Safety for the 21st Century.(2011).
3- Technical barriers to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). by Panisello and Quantick(2001).
