Why should United states keep nuclear weapon and not other countries?

Culture and Social Media
March 26, 2020
Chinese Communism
March 26, 2020

Why should United states keep nuclear weapon and not other countries?

Why should United states keep nuclear weapon and not other countries?

HBKU Energy and Resources

–    paper size: A4 paper: make sure your paper is not formatted for US Letter
–    margins: regular WORD margins of 1.0 inch on top and bottom, 1.25 inch left and right, gutter 0 inch, header and footer 0.5 inch each
–    spacing: text must be double-spaced; title page, bibliography, footnotes should be single spaced
–    type font: 12pt Times New Roman, please; no other fonts anywhere in the paper! Larger font size okay for title page and headers
–    color: no color font anywhere in your paper, please
–    italics and bold face: you may use (very sparingly!!) italics to highlight certain words and bold face for your headers.
–    underlined words: avoid! If you need to highlight a word, use italics
–    capital letters: avoid except at the beginning of sentences, for proper names, and of course for acronyms like “NATO” etc.
–    page numbers: you must include page numbers in the footer on the right and your name and abbreviated title of your paper in the header of your main text; no header, footer, page number on title page.

–    footnotes, not endnotes: I explicitly discourage endnotes: it makes the reading of a paper much more difficult, because the reader has to flip back and forth.
–    footnote numbering created automatically with WORD footnote function: that means that the footnote text must be the same 12pt Times New Roman as the text!
–    footnote text: please avoid explanatory text in the footnotes. In general, the footnotes should include only source references and not additional story lines.
–    second and subsequent citations of the same source: please provide a full citation when you cite a source for the first time; use abbreviated author, title, page format for the second and subsequent citation of the same source.

–    Chicago Manual: make sure I can easily identify and find your sources. Your sources in footnotes and the bibliography should be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Use http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html
–    citation style: the Chicago Manual works with two different citation styles: the humanities style with footnotes and bibliography, and the author-date system: use only the humanities style with footnotes and bibliography
–    please note: there are some formatting differences between a citation in a footnote and a citation in a bibliography!
–    web-based sources: if you use sources from the web, you must include a specific URL. That is, simply stating you found it on www.nytimes.com is not sufficient. And of course, for every article from web sources you must use the standard format, including author, title, publication, date.
–    sorting: you must of course sort alphabetically for last name of author. If there is no author or the author is anonymous, please consult Chicago Manual.

–    accuracy: make absolutely sure that your quotes are accurate!  They must reflect the author’s exact intent (so be careful what you cut out from the quote at the beginning or end or in the middle with “…”!); if you are inaccurate in your quotes, the readers will lose trust!
–    punctuation of quotes: here is the correct form: “This is a quotation.”  Note that first comes the period, then the quotation mark, then the footnote
–    long quotes: if the quote is longer than two lines, please use block quote so that it is easily distinguishable from your own writing. Do not use italics for the whole quote, and if you highlight something with italics in the quote which the author did not highlight him or herself, then you must add in square brackets “[my emphasis]” at the end of the quote.

–    title page: must include the title of your paper, your name, a line about me as your instructor (something like: Prof. Kai-Henrik Barth), the purpose (Nuclear Proliferation, Research Paper), date, etc
–    pictures, graphs, and tables: please use very sparingly if at all. You will be graded on the analytical coherence, empirical depth, and the clarity of your writing and not on the quality of your pictures, graphs, and tables. Most papers I receive do not include any pictures, and that is fine. If you find that a picture is absolutely necessary, please include it.
–    single electronic file: you must submit one single electronic file, not separate files for the title page, the chapters and the bibliography, for example.
–    please spell out “United States” instead of “U.S.”: you only use “U.S.” when you use it in phrases such as “the U.S. president” or “the U.S. economy”
–    time periods: avoid “80s”: rather write “1980s”
–    use of “ibid.”: “The abbreviation ibid. (from ibidem, “in the same place”) usually refers to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding.  It must never be used if the preceding note contains more than one citation.” (source: Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., p. 669)
–    replace all instances of “the fact that” and similar constructs; in particular, eliminate “due to the fact that:” write “because” instead
–    eliminate all instances of passive voice! Never write “it has been decided…”  This is WEAK.