Why population aging matters

e most difficult aspect of writing
July 13, 2020
July 13, 2020

Why population aging matters

A Report on one of the nine trends in Why Population Aging Matters: A Global Perspective.


Nine trends to choose from:

Trend 1: An Aging Population. 6
Trend 2: Increasing Life Expectancy. 8
Trend 3: Rising Numbers of the Oldest Old. 10
Trend 4: Growing Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases. 12
Trend 5: Aging and Population Decline. 14
Trend 6: Changing Family Structure. 16
Trend 7: Shifting Patterns of Work and Retirement. 18
Trend 8: Evolving Social Insurance Systems. 21
Trend 9: Emerging Economic Challenges. 24