Why it is necessary to monitor and control strategic plans

The Luzern Townhouse Hotel Case Study
October 24, 2020
October 24, 2020

Why it is necessary to monitor and control strategic plans

B1.  Why is it necessary to monitor and control strategic plans? Who should be responsible for monitoring and controlling strategic plans? Why? What are the pitfalls of failing to monitor and control strategic plans? 200 WORDS

B2.  As an employee of an organization, what role do you play in the strategic planning process? What role do you play in the implementation process? What role do you play in the monitoring and controlling process? 200 WORDS

F1.  What is a domestic risk management trend? How may this trend evolve? What potential effect might this trend have on risk management? 200 WORDS


F2.  What is a global risk management trend? How may this trend evolve? What potential effect might this trend have on risk management? 200 WORDS


F3.   What is a strategy for managing risk? What are some potential future risks? How would you develop strategies to mitigate these risks?  200 WORDS


F4.  Write and present a summary of how this week’s activities (Questions F1, F2, F3, and objectives) have affected your thought process regarding the week’s course objectives. The summary should be very detail and created in a positive manner. 350 WORDS

Objectives: (Question F4)

Examine new trends and developments in risk management.

Examine future risk management strategies.