Why is there a higher prevalence of lupus SLE found among females of Afro Carribbean origins?
Project description
Discuss the ethnic differences
Ratio of male to femal of Afro Carribbeans with lupus in comparison to other ethnic groups.
Genetic predisposition to lupus
Epidemology of lupus by ethnic group
What are the risk factors
Is ethnicity a factor in the severity/ mortality of lupus patients
Explain the symptoms and pathiophysciology of lupus
Introduction: setting the study in context and discussing the aims and objectives. Relevant information should be summarised and the references indicated appropriately.
Main body of the review: setting out critical evaluation of the previous work in the field, and attempting to draw your own conclusions from these finding
Identification and justification of research question(s)
Critical review of relevant literature
Evaluation and interpretation of findings
Discussion of results within the wider context
Presentation in a scientific style