“Into The Wild Film Essay Exam” covering sociological concepts from your textbook and forums. Using bold fonted key terms, please write a two paged double spaced paper discussing the following prompts. Do not retype or include the prompts within your essay exam! Please remember to cite: your textbook, the film, and other sources. Also remember to turn in your Smarthinking.com feedback with your final draft.
In your answers please discuss the following key terms: prestige, conformity, Life Chances, range of tolerance, personal space, innovation, retreatism, social bond theory, reference group, achieved status, achieved status
1. Why did Chris reject his parents’ wealthy and powerful lifestyle? Chris was very much of the school that you should own nothing except what you can carry on your back at a dead run, and lived a minimalist lifestyle. He was not concerned with ______or admiration people attach to various social positions.
2 . In the film at his graduation dinner, Mr. McCandless offers to buy Chris a car, but he rejects American socialization and ____________to strive for material possessions.
3. Chris was born into a family that would guarantee opportunities such as a college degree, health, a new car, law school, leisure and a trust fund in his future. Chris was uncomfortable with his _____________because he “believed that wealth was shameful, corrupting and inherently evil”.
4. What do you think of Chris and his decision to discard his identity and past life without a backward look? Society creates norms for social behavior and most people would consider this anti-conformist. His behavior is beyond the____________, when he stops communicating with his family and goes into the wild.
5. Why did Christopher McCandless trade a bright future-a college education, material woods of Alaska? He wanted more________________.
6. Chris tells his friend, Mr. Ron Franz that, “I think careers are a 21st century invention and I don’t want one.” By this statement we know that Chris is engaging in ______________and “substitutes deviant means to achieve goals”.
7. Chris’ journey was a decidedly solitary one. Yet toward the end, it seems to have dawned on him that (in a passage he underlined in Tolstoy) it was necessary “to be used to do good to people.” He noted in the margin of another book, “Happiness only real when shared.” WE understand that Chris regrets his ___________”and dropping out of mainstream society”.
8. McCandless found a “surrogate family in Westerberg and his employees”? This is said because Chris leaves his family and home in the East, but finds another home and family in Carthage SD. Although Chris could not maintain his emotional ties to his parents and sister, it could be argued that he was still able to fall within _______________because he has an attachment to these people even though they are not his real family, but he feels like they are. They take the place of his old family.
9. A passage from “Walden” can be related to the film of “Into the Wild”- “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essentials of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Chris was a solitary individual, someone who never found a _____________, to relate to others with similar attitudes, values, and behaviors.
10. Chris McCandless was a stellar student in highschool and college, his studying efforts and abilities resulted in his______________.