Why are mules frequently sterile

Solution-Offspring with tails ranging in size
April 27, 2020
Solution-Size of organisms found in the middle layers
April 27, 2020

Why are mules frequently sterile

Q1. The diploid number of the horse (Equus caballus) is 64 which include 36 acrocentric autosomes. The ass (Equus asinus) has 62 chromosomes including 22 acrocentric autosomes.

A) Predict the number of chromosomes that would be found in hybrid offspring (mule) produced by mating a male ass (jack) to a female horse (mare).

B) Why are mules frequently sterile (incapable of producing viable gametes)?

Q2. A plasmid digest with BamHI produced 2 kb and 4 kb fragments. Digest of a plasmid with HindIII produced 6 kb fragment. Double digest with both enzymes produced 1 kb, 2 kb and 3 kb fragments. Sketch a plasmid map.