Topic: Restricting Immigration Prevent Cuttural Disintegration
September 15, 2020
Analysis of The Clevelend Clinic Academic Essay
September 15, 2020

Why Apple is so Expensive.

These reasons include customer ignorance, perceived value, and society’s marginal propensity to consume (MPC).

The second reason apple products continue to set expensively yet retain some market share is the society’s perceived notion that price equates to the value. Since most companies know this, they usually put their prices a little bit higher in a bid to exploit this ignorance. While one may argue Mac is better than windows or iPad better than other tablets, windows, computers still remain to be as functional or even better.

In addition to this, the Apple company marketing strategists have made people believe their products are better. The Chief executive Officers of Apple, both the late Steve Jobs and the current Tim cook always made Apple products look so valuable in their speeches. Steve jobs in one of his interviews said the company could not even think of cheap product. To him that could only be a junk. (Hawn, 5).While Cook in responding to the argument why Apple products were more expensive saidApple could not afford to sacrifice the quality of their products for a price. In his statement, he argued that instead of Apple thinking of how they could produce cheaper iPod, they were occupied with thinking how they could enhance the quality of their product at affordable prices (Duhigg, &Bradsher, 2012, 21).

Such statements have made the public think Apple produces are much more valuable and thus can pay anything to have them.

the community will tend to buy apple products since they can afford and also as a way of asserting their status.

In conclusion, Apple products will continue to be relatively expensive than other products because the society has been made to think so. It will, therefore, not pain paying an extra dollar to have a product with an Apple trademark.

Works cited

Duhigg, Charles, and Keith Bradsher. “How the US lost out on iPhone work.” The New York Times 21 (2012).

Hawn, Carleen. “If He’s So Smart… Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Limits of Innovation.”Fast Company 78.1 (2004).