Whites (Non-Hispanic) Academic Essay

Affordable Act Academic Essay
September 5, 2020
Reflective Analysis Academic Essay
September 5, 2020

Whites (Non-Hispanic) Academic Essay

Whites (Non-Hispanic): Jewish Americans Present and provide information regards Non- Hispanic whites but concentrate on Jewish living in the U.S.

Overview/Heritage: Include here demographic information, # population according to statistics (provide references), population growth, reason for migration to the U.S, education status, occupation.
? Communication: languages they use to communicate, cultural patterns to communicate (personal space, body language, touch, etc…)
? Biocultural Ecology: skin color, body type, susceptibility to diseases, risk behaviors that predispose them to acquire or develop diseases
? Health Care Practice: barriers to health care, diseases prevention practices, traditional practices, folk, etc.
? Nursing Implications: having in consideration the cultural characteristics of this group, how and what would you do to provide the best health care?
? Spirituality: religious practices
? Death Rituals

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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions