Which organelle compares to which part of your analogy

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Which organelle compares to which part of your analogy

Now that you have learned about the organelles in a cell, you need to think of an analogy, comparing the cell and it’s organelles to something of your choice, as I did below, comparing a cell to a factory. This project should be on paper LARGER than notebook paper, and should be in full color. The following criteria will be graded:

Make sure you include a labeled picture of what you are comparing your cell to (even though my picture is not labeled. This is NOT a picture of a cell, but of a soccer field or Pizza hut, or a car etc.)

Make sure you list and compare each of the 10 organelles to something in your picture.

Make sure you include a key that tells which organelle compares to which part of your analogy.

Make sure you include a typed/word processes chart with the function of each part of your analogy, and why it is like the organelle.