Which feature excludes it from probably being a leech

Solution-Common type of fracture in the elderly
April 21, 2020
The chromosomes of many of cells are plainly visible
April 21, 2020

Which feature excludes it from probably being a leech

Q1. Use of synthetic fertilizers often leads to the contamination of groundwater with nitrates. Nitrate pollution is also a suspected cause of anoxic “dead zones” in the ocean. Which might help reduce nitrate pollution?

Q2. Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that, attached to its flank, there is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker and two small eyes. Terry thinks it may be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey.

Which feature excludes it from probably being a leech?