Whether you have a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods project in mind, at some point you are likely to consider the possibility of an interview or a series of interviews.
The purpose of this assignment is to give you a chance to test your ideas about the research and the writing by conducting a pilot interview.
A pilot interview is a preliminary step in firming up the questions that may be used later on in the research. It is exploratory in that you are trying out your questions, your initial ideas, and practicing ways of writing up interview materials. Afterwards, you will need to assess which questions worked and which did not; then also you may want to change the wording of questions.
The person you select as your interviewee must be available for an interview within five days, be willing to give you approximately twenty minutes of time, and be interested to a certain extent in your topic or have expertise in the topic. For this assignment, it would be appropriate to choose someone you feel reasonably comfortable in talking with.
Choosing another member of this class to interview would be the best bet.
Please note that if you were actually doing interviews in the community, you would first have to get approval from the UCW research ethics committee.
1. Be sure to compose at least five questions in advance; work with another person in the class to select these questions from a list of at least ten questions.
2. Be sure that at least three of the five questions you plan to ask are open-ended; that is, the questions are open enough that the participant can talk about his/her experiences and views.
3. Take notes during the interview and also listen carefully so that you can recall what your interviewee has to say.
4. Use a tape recorder as backup (optional).
5. Use Skype or telephone if a face to face interview is not possible.
6. Use email as a possible way to connect the interview.
7. Write up your notes as soon as possible after the interview is over.
8. Explain how the way in which you conducted the interview affected the responses.
The Written Assignment: Five Pages Double Spaced
1. Give the interview report a title and a title page (APA style).
2. Indicate the date, place, and person in the opening paragraph.
3. Indicate the purpose of the interview.
4. Briefly summarize your research topic and your project as well as main research question.
5. Write one to three sentences summarize the research methods you plan to use.
6. Write two or three pages explaining what the interviewee told you, especially what was new to you.
7. Include quotations from the interviewee and add any additional description that might help readers to understand the interviewee’s personal style and ways of communicating.
8. Summarize in a final sentence how the interview added to your understanding of your topic and how you would conduct further research.
9. Anticipate that your instructor will write feedback on your write-up. For this assignment, the method of assessment is holistic, instead of using a rubric.