Where it is found in the world

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Where it is found in the world

Choose a species of animal which is threatened or endangered, either due to habitat loss or exploitation (or both), that interests you. Write a summary that is 1.5 pages in length (no more than 3 pages please) describing the animal, its habitat requirements, what threatens its survival, and what is currently being done to protect it (if anything). Be sure to include a picture of your animal that you have chosen.


A picture of the animal that you have chosen. It may be included before the text, incorporated in the body of the text, or at the end of the text.

Part 1

• Name of the animal (common and scientific name)
• Where it is found in the world
• The type of habitat it lives in
• Food requirements
• Home range requirements (how much area does it need to survive, does it migrate?)
• Reproduction (Breeding season, how often does it breed, how many offspring?)

Part 2

• What activities threaten its survival?
• How long have these activities been occurring? (How long has it been threatened?)
• What countries are involved in its exploitation?
• What is the reasoning behind these activities?
• Are there alternatives to these practices of exploitation? (For example, is there an alternative to using tiger pelts for clothing or ivory for trinkets & souvenirs?)

Part 3

• Name an organization involved in the conservation of this species
• Briefly describe their involvement and how they are working toward the conservation of this species

Part 4

• List your resources (Must have at least 2)
• Sorry, Wikipedia is not an acceptable source because the information offered by wikipedia may or may not be correct.
• The best Internet sources to use are from credible organizations and university sites.
• Sources that are listed by credible sources are also acceptable to use.