Where does the chinese tea come from and under what conditions is it produced?

Iraq and Afghanistan
August 9, 2020
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August 9, 2020

Where does the chinese tea come from and under what conditions is it produced?

Project description
1, Where does the commodity come from and under what conditions is it produced?
2, Who invested their labor in the production of the commodity and under what labor conditions? What can you learn about the lives of some laborers who produce this commodity?
3, How does the commodity get from its point of origin to its point of sale in the US??
4, What corporate entities control the production, importation, and distribution of that commodity? What is their relation to the workers who produce the item?
5, How does the commodity figure in the material and symbolic practices of everyday life in the US?
Added on 10.07.2016 04:10
Please use sources all from Google Scholar, Thanks.