What will you expect the new frequency of the s2 allele

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April 13, 2020
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April 13, 2020

What will you expect the new frequency of the s2 allele

You are studying a species of desert-dwelling fish that consists of only 2 populations, each located in a different canyon. Population A is consists of approximately 3000 breeding adults and population B, which is 3 miles away consists of only 100 breeding adults. There are 2 alleles for spotting pattern in population A, and they at almost equal frequencies, with S1=0.55, S2=0.45. In population B, S2 has been almost eliminated and is currently only found at a frequency of S2=0.01. However, you have a miscommunication with a colleague and 5 heterozygous individuals from Population A get returned to the wrong location and are placed in with Population B. Because the heterozygous individuals look like the homozygous dominant individuals, you are unable to correct the mistake. What will you expect the new frequency of the S2 allele to be in Population B?